How to activate Holistic Empowerment in your morning routine


Holistic Empowerment is all about feeling deeply connected to your mind, body, spirit, and feeling motivated to take action on your path. It is about activating an energetic spark in your soul and knowing how to feel connected to your purpose. When you show up for yourself and intentionally implement healthy, holistic habits, the universe shows up for you. You begin to see more beauty in the world around you and you gain an appreciation of what really matters.


A morning routine is one of the best ways to create a more holistic, empowered lifestyle. The morning is the best time to implement empowered practices, as it sets the tone for the rest of your day. When you show up every morning with a positive intention to live empowered, you declare to the universe that you are serious. You communicate to your unconscious mind that you are in charge and that you are willing to do what it takes to experience abundance, love, and success.


Living an empowered life starts with your mindset. It starts with changing the dialogue at the level of the unconscious and letting go of old thoughts, patterns, behaviors, and beliefs holding you back. Once you have created this space in your mind you can install new strategies and beliefs that support your most empowered self. These new strategies and beliefs become engrained at the level of the unconscious with consistent practice and repetition. What becomes unconscious then becomes your reality. By adding Holistic Empowerment into your morning routine, you will activate a connection to your Highest Self at the level of the unconscious and tap into the quantum field of your unlimited potential.


The Holistic Empowerment tools listed below provide you with a foundation to start your day in an empowered way! You are welcome to personalize the experiences and get creative with how you show up. You oversee how much time you spend on each activity and what is most important to you. You are the creator of your day and these are some awesome ways to activate your highest good!


Some of the most soulful and successful people on the planet see their morning routine as the key to their success and by taking action each morning you will be on the path to fulfilling your soul’s true mission!


1.     Write down your dreams! Every night when we go to sleep our unconscious mind is activated. It starts to communicate with us through symbols and metaphors to help us resolve issues in our relationships, career, and life path. By exploring these messages, we gain deep insight into how we can overcome obstacles and obtain the teachings we need to expand and grow on the path. It is important to write down your dreams a soon as you wake up. Keep a journal next to your bed and write down any elements of the dream that you remember. When you are more awake take time to contemplate these elements and what they mean to you. You can apply their meanings to a specific area of your life and take away a positive message to empower you!


2.     Set Intentions and anchor your space! Create a space in your home where you can go to honor your mind, body, and spirit first thing in its morning. You can choose a separate room in your house or designate a specific place in a room. You can create an altar here or place positive reminders that represent it as an activation space. Let this space be your anchor each morning for getting into your most empowered, motivated, abundance mindset. Burn some sage or palo santo and clear the energy for the day. Start to think about what your intention is and write it down. Ask your unconscious mind if you have a picture of what this intention looks like for you. Tune into your intuition. Think about this picture and make it really real and compelling. Make it bright, vivid, energetic. Take 4 deep Ha breaths while holding the intention in your mind and pretend the intention has already happened.



3.     Do some Ha breathing! Ha, breathing is a type of breathwork that grounds your nervous system and activates soulful energy inside you. Conscious breathing brings you back to the present moment and releases all stressful, anxious energies from you. You can find your Ha breath by slowly breathing in through the nose and then out the mouth, making the sound of Haaaaaaaa. Do your best to double the length of your exhale to your inhale and really sigh it out! You can do this a few times or stay in it for 10 minutes or more. Activate a more grounded, congruent energy inside you, and be set to vibrate higher the rest of the day!


4.     Meditation and Mindfulness. Mediation is known to be one of the best ways to activate self-empowerment and a connection to spirit. Spending only a few moments in silence can take us out of our monkey mind and into new realms of Self. We get to leave our busy worlds for a moment and remember there is something more. We come back to the present moment and realize everything is perfect just as it is and that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Meditation and mindfulness practices can be implemented in many different ways. You don’t have to be a yogi living in a cave in the Himalayas to get the experience. All you have to do is start by taking one deep, conscious breath. Now take 3 deep breaths. Pretty soon you will want to stay here longer and longer. You can integrate different meditation tools such as using a mantra or affirmation. As you breathe repeat your mantra (ex. I am empowered. I am worthy. I am loved) silently to yourself and let the vibrations flow. You may also want to follow a guided meditation or use an app when first getting started! Practice mindfulness by bringing awareness to what you see, hear and feel in the present moment and be an observer without judgment of these things. Practice in nature, at your desk, or wherever you are and experience the calming energy flow right in!


5.     Visualization and Future Self Journaling. We all love to daydream and thinking about an exotic, fulfilling life far off in the distance. Visualizing and Future Self Journaling is just this and in a more intentional way. When we visualize and put more positive thoughts out into the future we make them more likely to happen. You are communicating to our unconscious mind that this is what you want and you are moving your energy towards it. Spend some time visualizing or writing about what you want in the future and what would make up your most ideal life. Visualize your goals and make the visions compelling and real. Think of the biggest goals you’ve ever thought of and you as the highest version of yourself! Write it down, repeat these ideas to yourself, remind yourself of what is possible! Where attention goes, energy flows!



6.     Positive Affirmations and Empowering Beliefs! We all understand the benefits of positive thinking and having beliefs that serve you. Sometimes it can be challenging to turn off our automatic thoughts and tell ourselves to “just think positive!” Before installing positive and affirmations it is important to get in touch with any limiting beliefs or emotions holding us back. When we recognize we have this baggage we can do our best to reframe and transform our perception to gain new learning. Journaling, meditation, hypnosis, and sound baths can help with this and create the space we need to use affirmations. Identify the new beliefs and affirmations you need to feel empowered and repeat them to yourself as often as possible. Use them as a seed in meditation, leave sticky notes around your house, send yourself a reminder with them on your phone, or create a vision board where you see them every day! The more you repeat them to yourself, the more they become unconscious and the more they become your reality!


7.     Write down your daily goals! Make a list of your top 3 goals for the day and make it a  priority to get those done. Choose goals that are specific, realistic, and attainable and set yourself up for success. Prioritize the goals that must get done that day and anything more you do is just a bonus! When you don’t know where you are headed you might not like where you end up. Create goals that create direction and take action on completing them. When we feel accomplished, we feel more motivated to take on bigger goals and the momentum of energy keeps spiraling upwards. If you have more time you can think about the bigger goals and journal about what you want to happen in 6 months or a year!



8.     Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. The importance of implementing an attitude of gratitude can’t be stressed enough. When we instill gratitude it’s really difficult to feel any other emotion and we just feel grateful! We often think that we will be happy when we have the perfect job, the new car, or the partner of our dreams. Intentionally thinking about gratitude reminds us of what we already have in the here and now and how that is enough to feel happy.  We can appreciate all the small things and recognize that everything we need we already have. Practice gratitude by writing down 3 things each morning that you are grateful for. Keep a gratitude journal and try to come up with new ideas every day. Express gratitude with your partner, your kids, your best friend, or your animal every morning and speak it out loud to the universe! When we intentionally bring our awareness to what we are grateful for more often, it starts to become unconscious and we experience more gratitude naturally throughout the day.


9.     Move and nourish your body! The attention that you give to your body is so important to your empowerment. We spend so much time sitting in front of a computer and the TV that the body often gets neglected. A little love, a little attention, a little movement goes a long way. You can go all out and get amped up with 30 minute HIIT workout or keep it mellow and go for a nice walk. You can spend a few minutes stretching in a child’s pose or flow it out with an hour-long yoga class. Even just doing a minute of jumping jacks will get your heart rate up and activate some happy endorphins! Drink some water, eat whole foods, listen to what your body needs!


10.  Go outside and connect to the elements! Each morning activate a connection to nature and the Earth by taking a moment to tune in to the energy of Fire, Air, Water, Earth, and Ether. The elements make up everything about who we are and everything about our world. These healing energies of the Earth hold knowledge for us and when we pay attention to them we access a higher quantum field of information. Connecting to the Earth and her elements creates more motivation, activation, flow, grounding, and momentum. Step outside each morning or look out your window and choose an element to connect with. Spend a few minutes connecting with it and contemplating all it is. Feel the energy of the element run through you and activate your cells. Give thanks to the healing generated from the source and the love you receive from Mother Nature. If you have the ability to be in nature for your entire morning take the time and activate a deeper connection by being there. The Earth is here to support you and take you on the path to Higher Self!


Meet our Founder - Sara baker