What is SABI Holistic Therapy?


Have you ever wondered if there was more to solving your problems than just talking about them? Have you noticed that when you feel emotionally upset you also feel discomfort in your body? Have you ever thought about the vast universe and wondered who you truly are?


Holistic Therapy is an integrative approach to psychotherapy that works with a person on their whole system. It focuses on the mind, body, spirit connection and how to be more in tune with the Earth. These connections teach us how to be more in flow with ourselves so that we may feel the epitome of love and happiness. For too long we have been disconnected from the roots of who we are and the amazing resources we have within. We are capable of healing in so many incredible ways and Holistic Therapy can remind us of how to get there. When we commit to holistic therapy and wellness as a lifestyle, we finally find ourselves feeling whole again.


Holistic Therapy utilizes an abundance of tools from different systems to address the various needs of the mind, body, spirit. In the therapy room, we create space to understand you as a whole person and get to know the patterns, habits, and behaviors of your entire system. We assess the areas of life which feel out of balance and create an action plan to bring in more harmony. We implement holistic empowerment tools, such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness to bring in a conscious state of awareness and connect you back to the present moment. We discuss the power of positive thinking and how to change your perceptions, change your thoughts and essentially change your life. We know the importance of feeling good in your body and having healthy routines to guide your day. We encourage an exploration of spirit and discovering the magic of the Earth’s energy. All these tools and more are necessary on the path to Higher Self.


When addressing the different aspects of Holistic Therapy, we start with the mysterious mind. To truly appreciate the magic of our minds, it takes patience, persistence, and perseverance. Our mind is an intricate supercomputer with the capability to process an absorbent amount of information at any given time. We have both a conscious and unconscious mind presenting us with a reality that is all our own. The conscious mind is the ego and who we think we are, and the unconscious mind is the holder of who we truly are and the keeper of all our emotions, beliefs, and memories. Because we have internal filters created at the level of the unconscious mind, we all experience the world differently and have our own unique problems. Exploring this aspect of ourselves gives us greater awareness of how we create our worlds through the mind and how capable we are of creating them in a way that truly serves us. By using evidence-based psychotherapies, NLP, Hypnosis, and others we can begin to understand how we are responsible for the world we see, feel, and hear and how we have the power to change it. When we take responsibility for the problems we create and the reactions we have to unpleasant circumstances we can live more in harmony with everything and everyone around us. We can change our perceptions from a deep unconscious place and tap into the unlimited potential waiting for us on the other side!


Just as important as the mind, is the power of the body. Our body is literally made from stardust and holds the knowledge to heal us up completely. It communicates messages to us at every moment and we only receive them if we are willing to listen. In order to listen, we must realize that we have a mind-body connection and understand how they work in harmony together. When the unconscious mind brings up emotions, limiting beliefs or any other baggage it will send a signal out to the body to activate certain parts. Maybe you’ve noticed that when you feel sad sometimes you also get headaches, stomach aches, or some other ailments. The unconscious mind wants you to know that something in your life needs to be nourished and there is a lesson for you to learn. The unconscious mind brings these messages up through the body in hopes that you will hear them even louder if you feel them physically.

Nourishing the physical side of the body is also so important because the body is the vessel that guides us through this life. To have the energy to experience your dream job, relationship, or life you must bring awareness to the health of your physical self. Integrating healthy habits around food, exercise, and physical activities will create more sustenance for life and more energy to accomplish everything that you want!


While holistic therapy focuses a lot of attention on the mind-body, the connection to spirit is also a significant aspect of a whole self. Spirit can mean a lot of different things to different people and in Holistic Therapy, it is anything that connects you to energy or something bigger than you. The important piece of connecting to spirit is knowing that you are more than just a physical body, that you are pure energy and incredibly complex. That you have innate gifts to heal yourself and elevate the world around you. That you are a master manifester and you can have, do, be anything you want. That you are an energetic being and emotions are just trapped energy. That when you learn how to direct it for your highest good you can create a world with meaning and purpose. Once your beliefs are congruent with these ideas true transformation can begin. Holistic Therapy will remind you of these concepts and encourage you to integrate more holistic practices into your empowerment routine.


Practices such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, hypnosis, energy work, and others can be instrumental tools in solidifying your healing journey and they are common practices for holistic therapists. Many different terms are used to describe the spirit and the meaning is personal to you. Terms such as Source, God, Jesus, Allah, Krishna, Nature, The Earth, Higher Self, etc., can all be used, and you have to tune in to what resonates best for your energy, your path. Maybe you find spirit through a connection to nature or through a musical symphony. Maybe you attend church every Sunday or celebrate Shabbat on Fridays. Many you’ve traveled to sacred sites around the world or maybe you’ve watched the sunset over the Pacific Ocean. Maybe you see it in the eyes of a newborn or in the play of the dogs running around the yard. Many paths lead to the spirit and it is only important that you tune in to the energy around you and know that you are more than you think you are.


The Earth is the final component in the exploration of Holistic Therapy. As a collective, we have lost touch with the natural ways of our ancestors and the healing energies of the Earth. As we come back to these teachings, we remember who we truly are. We remember that we are meant to experience the best life has to offer and we have the power to create it. Holistic therapy helps guide you towards a deeper connection with Earth and how to get to know its healing properties. We’ve all had an experience in nature where we’ve been stunned by her beauty and the ability for some places to be real. Spending more time in nature can bring this feeling more often and open up our hearts. We eat her foods and use natural herbs for healing. We drink her waters and make friends with the animals. Whether you walk barefoot in the dirt or bathe in the open ocean, the Earth will always support your highest good. When we take the time to intentionally honor her, recognize her strengths, her gifts, her blessings, we remember we are a part of her. Coming back to the Earth is coming back to ourselves.

In Holistic Therapy, we take the time to understand the habits and behaviors of your mind, body, spirit and encourage you to call in a connection to Earth. We inspire you to use mindfulness and tune in to the present moment. To use self-awareness to what feels out of balance. To live with self-empowerment and create the best life has to offer. We bring awareness to the patterns of the mind, release emotions from an energetic level, develop action tasks that approach all these areas, and give you tangible tools to enhance the connection with your Higher Self.

Holistic Therapy is the key to uncovering your true path.

Start your path of empowerment today with a free consultation of booking your first session!


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