What is NLP Breakthrough Coaching?


Why is NLP Breakthrough Coaching so important?! Well, have you ever felt like you keep repeating the same cycles over and over and can’t figure out why? Do you see yourself getting overly emotional and over-reacting at times? Are you having difficulty speaking your truth and keeping a positive mindset about yourself? Wouldn’t it be amazing to understand your programming and why you do the things you do?

 Imagine if you were able to identify why you are feeling emotional and what the root cause is. Imagine that you could reprogram your mind to think positively and install beliefs that are congruent with your Higher Self. Imagine that you could release unwanted emotions and energies keeping you stuck and limiting you on your path. Imagine that you could empower your reality through tangible tools and techniques to give you more of what you want out of life.

That is exactly what NLP Breakthrough Coaching is and does for your life. Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of the unconscious mind and how we communicate with ourselves and the outside world to create our reality. It teaches us about the role the unconscious mind plays in our lives and how everything we experience is through the mind. How we have these unconscious filters that create our perception of reality and how these filters are based on our personal values, beliefs, attitudes, and experiences. That the unconscious mind deletes, distorts, and generalizes things based on our filters and gives us a unique take with a limited view. That we only pick up on 126 bits of information out of 2 billion and everything we experience is personal to us.

We not only learn about these things, but we gain tangible tools and techniques to help us reprogram our systems in a way that truly serves us. Tools such as rapport building, hypnosis, language patterns, meta systems, quantum physics, goal setting, energy work, and more make up the abundance of ways we work with the unconscious mind. These tools and techniques were originally created by the NLP founders, Richard and Bandler, who studied the most successful people in the world. They asked questions like “What is the difference that makes the difference? Why are these people getting results and others were not? How can we intentionally use these ideas to get more positive results?”. They identified the values, beliefs, behaviors, attitudes, and habits that separated successful people from unsuccessful people and turned these ideas into teachings. They began teaching students how to model success and how to get results in all areas of life with a mind, body, spirit, energy connection.

How NLP Breakthrough Coaching works is by integrating the methods of the most successful people on the planet and teaching you how take responsibility for your entire life. It is a deep dive into the unconscious through continuous coaching calls and an intensive 8+ hour breakthrough session experience. It integrates the 4 Steps to Positive Change (clearing emotional baggage, creating a compelling life vision, taking action and staying focused on a SMART goal) and clears the path for you to make anything happen.

The coaching begins by helping you to identify the area of life that is most important for you to accomplish a big goal in. We then set intentions for the experience and understand your purpose for wanting to accomplish these big goals. In order to clear the baggage, we take an extended period of time to go through your detailed personal history and pull up all the negative emotion, patterns and beliefs keeping you stuck. The questions communicate directly with the unconscious mind, as the unconscious mind holds everything you need to see, hear, feel and experience to be able to let things go and feel it congruently inside. The Breakthrough Coach is paying attention to your language patterns and energy to find out what the Greater Root Problem us. The deeper limiting belief that affects all the other presenting problems in your life. Once we have that we know what we need to work with and are ready for the release.

 The release work is done through Hypnotherapy, Mental and Emotional Release® (MER), and Huna Energy Work. These types of therapies allow the energy to move at the unconscious level and bring in new, empowering beliefs, thoughts, and ideas. We then discover your unconscious value systems and what truly makes you feel fulfilled from a deeper level. Your values tell you how you evaluate your time spent and how you want to spend your time, so when you know what they are, you can make more fulfilling decisions for yourself.

From here you have a clear view of what you’re capable of creating in your future and what’s in true alignment without any limiting bias. With a clear view, you can create a compelling life vision and open up to bigger possibilities. We take the big picture vision and turn it into a SMART goal to put out on your future timeline. The SMART goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely and is completely in alignment with your unconscious values. We create an empowered action plan with your goal and then you know exactly what you need to do to accomplish your goal. It is no longer a matter of if, only when.

Everything we experience is unique to us and we have the ability to perceive the world in any way we want to. Once we become aware of our unconscious programming, we can start to take responsibility for living with empowerment and being at cause for everything we experience in life. When we take responsibility for our relationships, reactions, and results we no longer live as if life is just happening to us. We become the co-creator of our universe and tap into bigger energies aligned with Higher Self. 

To find out more about the NLP Breakthrough Coaching and the work we do with the unconscious mind make sure to follow us @sabi.pathways and join our email list! Feel free to reach out to hello@sabipathways.com with any questions or to start your journey of Self-Empowerment now!


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