8 Empowering Benefits of NLP Coaching for women


Do you ever feel like you have tried everything to get ahead on your own? You continue to grind and grind away and yet feel still miles away from accomplishing your goals? Do you just feel like you need a little boost up the hill?

Life is going to always be changing and challenging us. And in the moments where we find ourselves running out of steam or our own confidence it is always encouraged to seek out, but most importantly, to ask for help.

And one of the most effective and life-changing methods to jumpstart your path to self-fulfillment and confidence is through NLP coaching.

Here at SABI Pathways, we believe that coaching not only empowers one towards their true path but when experienced in a group setting as in our Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey program, the results can be amplified ten-fold when you do the work together as a community.

There is power in cultivating sisterhood and in the act of coming together to create a safe space to stand in our vulnerability with one another. We are not meant to move through this world alone.

What kind of changes or benefits can one experience during coaching? Take a moment and explore the possibilities below.

  1. You will feel completely congruent in who you are and who you’re meant to be.

  2. You will be free of self-doubt, limiting beliefs, and deep-rooted negative emotions.

  3. You will finally let go of old patterns, paradigms, and behaviors keeping you stuck.

  4. You will have ultimate clarity in one of the major areas of life (career, relationships, physical health) and have a big goal set for the future.

  5. You will know exactly who you need to become to achieve this goal and how to start taking action.

  6. You will have tools, resources, and skills to keep you in alignment so that you may keep releasing negative emotions and limiting beliefs as you continue on your path.

  7. You will create lifelong friendships with other high vibrational women, and you will build a strong community of conscious empowered women. 

  8. You will know who you truly are and how to take responsibility as the master manifester of your life.


Yoga Poses & Mantras for self-empowerment


Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey - Session 1