Yoga Poses & Mantras for self-empowerment


We live in a fast pace world where at times we just find ourselves depleted of energy and overwhelmed. Sometimes the overstimulation due to the media, technology, and everyday demands our of lives can lead to us feeling disempowered. To tap back into our own selves and recharge our batteries we look to those moments of self-care and movement to bring back balance.

Maintaining a daily practice of yoga is a fine way of cultivating and nurturing such balanced energy within our own lives and ultimately, our bodies.

Here are some of our favorite yoga poses to guide you back into flow towards self-empowerment and bliss.

Mountain Pose // Tadasana

“I am grounded.” “I am capable of building a foundation of self-love.”  - related to the root chakra, connects you to the Earth, builds a foundation for self-empowerment


Rabbit pose // Sasangasana

“I am open.” “I am worthy.” “I am connected to source.” “I am worthy of receiving the best life has to offer.” -connects us to the cosmos and energies beyond, opens up the ability to receive energy from Source and connect to spirit

Wide Leg Forward Fold // Prasaritta Padottanasana

“I am creative”, “I am creating the life I’ve always dreamed of.” - related to the sacral chakra, opens up sensuality, creativity, and divine feminine essence


Pyramid Pose // Parsvottanasana

“I am truthful.” “I speak my truth.” “I am capable of speaking my truth authentically, honestly, and lovingly.” -related to the throat chakra, the truth center where we use our voice to communicate needs, wants, and boundaries. Encourages us to speak up when needed and bring our thoughts to life.

Warrior 2 // Virabhadrasana II

“I am strong.” “I am taking action on all the things I set out to do.” - related to the solar plexus chakra, power center, which encourages us to take action and go after our dreams.


Standing Backbend // Anuvitassana

“I am loved.” “I am lovable.” “I am open to receiving love.” - related to the heart chakra, opens our ability to have more love and compassion for others and ourselves.


Child’s Pose // Balansana

“I trust myself.” “I trust my inner wisdom.” “I am able to trust my inner knowing and my intuition.” - opens up a connection to our intuition and trusting the messages coming to us. This pose gives opportunity for us to receive messages from source and connect to our Higher Selves.


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