Discovering Self-Empowerment Through Travel


Feeling stuck in your self-empowerment journey? Struggling to find the inspiration and motivation to meet your holistic wellness goals? It may be time to book a plane ticket.

Studies show that travel helps us expand our perspective, become more creative and self-aware, and maintain emotional stability. It’s a powerful way of connecting to ourselves and others and becoming more aware of and grateful for the world’s beauty and universal spirit. Below, we’ve shared twelve tips for making the most of your vacation and nurturing your highest self.


1.     Maintain an empowered morning routine.

We’ve written before about the importance of cultivating healthy, uplifting morning habits. When traveling, continue to be intentional about how you start your day — journaling, meditation, movement, and breathwork will all prepare you to embrace new experiences and opportunities for growth.


2.     Create an altar wherever you go.
Altars don’t have to be elaborate. Craft a sacred space to set intentions and recenter by topping a hotel side table — or even a flat rock or tree stump while hiking — with written affirmations, small crystals or found objects like feathers, stones, and flower petals.

3.     Connect to the Earth and take in the surrounding nature.

Glens in Scotland, volcanoes in Iceland, the sea in Bora Bora — every destination shines with its own stunning landscape and beautiful flora and fauna. Spending time under open skies is a scientifically proven way to let go of anxiety and raise self-esteem.

4.     Walk silently wherever you are and take in the energy of a new place.

We spend most of our time inundated with the noise of daily life: the rush of traffic, the ping of email and social media notifications, the clacking of our keyboards as we work. Travel offers a chance to unplug, slow down and listen. What can these fresh surroundings tell you about yourself?


5.     Talk with the locals and learn about their style of living.

Thanks to the internet, it’s easier than ever to connect with residents anywhere you travel. Resources like and Facebook group Host a Sister are great ways for solo travelers, especially, to find accommodation, meet locals and immerse themselves in the area’s culture. And, of course, it never hurts to learn a bit of the local language to ease interactions and show new friends you’re making an effort.

6.     Go to a cultural or musical event and experience the foreign culture.
The Facebook Events tab is your friend! And don’t forget to take a peek at bulletin boards in cafés and cultural centers to find out about events the old-fashioned way: through hand-posted flyers.

7.     Try new foods and open up your tastebuds.

When you’re getting to know someone new, breaking bread together is a sure way to deepen your connection. Think of trying local foods as going on a date with your destination — with each bite, you learn about the history and values of the area and take in some of what makes it vibrant and special.

8.     Visit sacred sites, monuments, museums, and natural land.

Resorts and tourist districts show visitors only the barest fraction of a place’s story. Be curious and explore the unique heritage and beauty of the locale while taking in soul-nourishing art and nature.

9.     Try a new activity and involve yourself in the community.

Stimulate creativity and open neural pathways by experiencing something for the very first time. From taking a crack at stand-up paddleboarding to enrolling in a local cooking course, trying new things generates new brain cells and helps us see the world from a fresh perspective.

10.  Discover where the locals hang out and immerse yourself in the fun.
Stray from the well-trodden paths that surround major tourist attractions to find restaurants, shops, cafés and nightlife that are closer to the area’s true heart. Websites like offer a way to gather with locals who share your interests.

11.  Make time to journal and reflect on what you’re experiencing.
Enhance the empowering potential of leaving your comfort zone and diving into a brand-new culture by pausing to write about the journey. What are you grateful for? Which experiences brought excitement and which created anxiety, and why? What have you learned?


12.  Spend some time doing nothing and leaving space for spontaneous adventures and encounters.

We all like to be prepared and book fun activities to make the most of our trips — but sometimes overplanning can actually create stress and blind us to those moments of magic that there’s no way to schedule. Whether you’re lingering over lunch or lounging at the beach, allow time for the universe to nudge you toward unforeseen joys.


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