The Seven Chakras of the Earth: Destinations that Spark Transformation


1.     Root Chakra – Mount Shasta, Ca
Located at the base of the spine, your root chakra, or Muladhara, relates to security and stability. A balanced root chakra creates a sense of groundedness and motivation. Nurture your Muladhara with a visit to the earth’s own root chakra. Mt. Shasta is a stunning, snow-capped volcano in Northern California. The area has a wealth of tours, temples and mineral springs that drive connection with Shasta’s sacred energy vortexes.

2.     Sacral Chakra – Lake Titicaca, Peru

The sacral chakra, or Svadhishthana, relates to emotions, pleasure and desire. It is centered just below your belly button, and opening it boosts creativity and confidence. Lake Titicaca is the planet’s sacral chakra. On the shores — and even beneath the surface — of this massive, crystalline lake are ruins built by the Incan people, who considered the lake their birthplace. Its still waters embody both masculine and feminine energies and can help us align our own spirits.


3.     Solar Plexus – Ayer’s Rock & The Olgas, Australia

At your breastbone rests Manipura, the solar plexus chakra. It is your source of personal power and is key to manifestation. The spectacular orange rocks that make up the Olgas, or Kata Tjuta (“many heads”), are sacred to Australia’s Aboriginal Anangu people, who believe their ancestors shaped the area’s topographical features and left traces of their spirit as they roamed the land. Join a cultural tour to learn about the Anangu’s relationship to the stones.

4.     Heart Chakra – Stonehenge, England

Anahata, meaning “unbeaten,” lives at the heart and concerns love, compassion and joy. Increase your openness to beauty and wonder at the planet’s heart chakra in Wiltshire, England. The stone circle is the product of collaboration between hundreds of Neolithic and Bronze Age people and may have been a pilgrimage site for those seeking healing —and can still transform and heal us spiritually today.


5.     Throat Chakra – The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

Balancing the Vishuddha, or throat chakra, aids communication and frees you to speak your personal truth. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the oldest of the ancient world’s seven wonders, exemplifies sacred geometry and wisdom. While visiting, follow one of our tips for finding empowerment through travel [hyperlink to article] and journal about the experience as an exercise in listening to your own inner voice.

6.     Third Eye Chakra – Glastonbury, England

Situated in the center of your forehead, the third eye chakra, or Ajna, governs perception and awareness. Insight, clarity and spiritual connection all expand when the third eye is open. Ajna’s location in Glastonbury may surprise you — especially since mists often cloak the town in early morning, making literal perception difficult. But Glastonbury was an important site of Celtic rituals and is home to many mythic and spiritual sites, including a sacred spring called Chalice Well.


7.     Crown Chakra – Mount Kailas, Tibet

The Sahasrara tops your head and connects you to universal consciousness and the divine. Known as the Stairway to Heaven, Mount Kailas overlooks snowy planes and other Himalayan peaks in Western Tibet. Tap into the site’s powerful energy by joining nomads and pilgrims in a cleansing three-day circuit around the mountain. The journey is marked by monasteries and mantra-carved stones.


It is incredible to visit the sacred sites of the world’s seven chakras.

While the magnetism of these places is undeniable, it is also possible to experience high vibrational energies while visiting more off-the-beaten-path locations. Everywhere I go, I make sure to connect with the energy of the land and check out the sacred sites around the city. I love to speak with the indigenous people and learn about their history, culture and wisdom.

One of my favorite places to visit is in the Nayarit region of Mexico near Sayulita. The region’s jungle terrain lines the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of the country. There are several small fishing villages along the coast that are growing with tourism every day. Many expats have taken a liking to the positive energy here and have enmeshed themselves with the local people.


Sayulita is the most popular town in the region — the village boasts many restaurants and surfing beaches, a gorgeous landscape, and attractions such as healing ceremonies and nightlife. Known as “Pueblo Magico,” Sayulita absolutely carries a magical essence in its energy.

 I first visited Sayulita in 2018, and I was immediately drawn to the people, culture and energetic grid of the land. I have travelled to Sayulita several times since then and can’t seem to get enough of the good vibes. Every time I go, I get a deeper sense of the energy and the ancient wisdom that resides there. With a chill surfer culture by day and lively Latin cumbia music scene by night, Sayulita offers something for everyone.

 Visiting Sayulita and the surrounding areas has become a part of my personal empowerment practice, as it fills my soul with inspiration, curiosity and peacefulness. I feel a dear connection to the community and its holistic wellness culture. From yoga to sound healing to ceremonial gatherings, everyone is present. I always make time to hike through the jungle to hidden beaches and traverse the mountain tops to take in extraordinary views. I immerse myself in the culture and love to dance at the bodegas while listening to the music of the mariachis. In Sayulita, I find an unmatched, authentic sense of freedom and happiness.


The secret to my empowerment comes from my connection to spirit and to the Earth. The Sayulita area is said to sit on a bed of quartz which draws people in and creates a comfortable, familiar feeling. You can feel the energy as soon as you get there — and you won’t want to leave.

The area’s indigenous Huichol tribe have maintained and honored this sacred site for generations. They place offerings at high vibrational settings and lead transformative spiritual experiences, including the Temazcal sweat lodge ceremony. This ceremony provides an opportunity to cleanse your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies and release what’s no longer serving you. The Huichol people gather at these ceremonies to connect with their ancestors and call in energy from the divine. The tribe also creates masterful beaded bracelets, which line vendor’s racks and traveler’s wrists throughout Sayulita.

All travelers should visit Sayulita at least once in their life. Know that once you do, it will call you back time and time again. SABI Pathways knows the power of transformation through travel, so join us on our upcoming Women’s Wellness Retreat and Getaway to Mexico and the state of Nayarit.


Creating your own travel altar


Discovering Self-Empowerment Through Travel