Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey - Session 1


Have you ever had a dream so big that it lit up your soul and you absolutely knew it was part of your life’s purpose? Have you ever been so motivated, driven, and focused on a goal that you put all of your energy towards making its happen? Have you ever experienced your dreams coming true?

That’s what happened to me on my path of creating the Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey.

For a long time, I was working as a psychotherapist helping clients 1:1, while also building a successful holistic wellness business. I spent a lot of my time creating a safe space for people while helping them through some of their deepest emotional traumas. During this time I created a team of incredible healers who wanted to expand their therapy practice and grow awareness around holistic mental health. I put all the systems in place and followed through on my goals and created exactly what I set out to do. In the creation of this, I noticed something was missing in the soul. Something was missing in bringing me that ultimate satisfaction I was looking for within my career.

I checked in with my values, my passions, my beliefs and realized that in order for me to feel totally fulfilled I needed to connect with my higher purpose. I needed to connect with my Higher Self and work towards inspiring the collective consciousness to live empowered, abundant, authentic lives. I knew that the people around me were meant for so much more and  I wanted them to know that too. I wanted all of the amazing women in my community to also feel a connection to their higher purpose and use their gifts to influence the collective in the best ways possible. All of this for the purpose of increasing total love and oneness on planet  Earth. 

After discovering this I started working diligently on creating a group coaching experience for women where they would learn everything I teach my 1:1 clients and more. Where they could feel a deep connection to other empowered women and know they are not alone on their path.  Where they could be open and vulnerable and authentic and be accepted by all. Where they could learn their patterns and shift their paradigms to a place of undeniable congruence in who they are and who they’re meant to be. Where they could release old blockages, baggage and beliefs that had been holding them back for so long and allow them to finally see themselves. This was going to be the ultimate experience of empowering women to lead from their hearts and I was determined.

The course was created, and all of the aligned women flowed in from different walks of life. We set an intention to empower ourselves and uplift each other in the process. I taught them about the unconscious mind, their limiting beliefs and the ways they had been creating their worlds. I taught them how to face their shadow from the light and take the perspective of using everything as an opportunity for growth. I guided them through hypnotic realms of the unconscious, released old bagged and set an action plan filled with success. I gave them access to the tools and resources already within them and showed them how to take total responsibility for their lives. We navigated the cosmos with the healing sounds of crystal bowls and flowed with our bodies in the presence of yoga. We integrated holistic practices while learning about the techniques of NLP & Huna and how we can expand our mind, body, soul. We solidified a community of empowered women and declared lifelong friendships on the path of empowerment.


 I needed to create the Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey to fulfill my soul’s purpose and also to know that when you implement the positive steps to creating change anything is possible. Clear the baggage, set the goal, take action and stay focused. My heart is full from creation of the experience and from seeing the incredible transformation of all the women. The women shared with me about their experiences and said “I feel like a different  person, like the person I am meant to be. I have absolutely no regrets and I am so excited for the future”. Others said “I am finally facing everything that has been stuck in may head for so long. Turning it into something else. Turning it into a lesson” and that “I feel like I’m coming out of it very confident in my future and in my career path”.

 This has been a dream come true for me and will absolutely be part of my continued path. My name is Sara Baker and I am the founder of SABI Pathways Holistic Wellness and creator of the Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey. Throughout my career as a licensed therapist, coach, and leader I have supported thousands of women on their path of empowerment. I have seen each and every one of these women transform their lives into something new, something greater, something meaningful. I invite you to be a part of this community of empowered women and to take on this journey of self-discovery.  Give yourself the gift of seeing who you truly are and everything you can offer the world. The value of your empowerment is priceless and you are worth every penny you invest in yourself. The greater you value yourself, the greater the reward and the greater the response from the universe.  

If this experience is calling to you trust that it is no coincidence that you are reading this. Your unconscious mind knows exactly what you need to see, hear, feel and experience to be on your higher path. Your unconscious mind brought you here for a reason and wants you to have everything you want. Because you are here that means that you are already on your path of empowerment and now it’s up to you to take action!

The next Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey starts August 9th, 2021and will run for six weeks. Space is limited and already filling up! Secure your spot now and schedule a clarity call with me to get all the expansive details.

I am looking forward to supporting you on your path and I can’t wait to see what the universe has waiting for you!

With Love & Gratitude,

Sara Baker
Founder of SABI Pathways


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