Why meditation is a powerful tool for personal growth
Why meditation is a powerful tool for personal growth and becoming your highest self.
The Therapist's Haven: Embracing Community and Teamwork in Private Practice
Embracing community and a team environment as a therapist.
The Value of Personal and Professional Growth Opportunities from Your Employer
The value of personal and professional growth opportunities.
Holistic Therapy: A Wholistic Approach to Mental Well-Being
A holistic approach to mental and emotional well being
Embracing Telehealth: How Remote Work Promotes a Healthy Work-Life Balance for Therapists
How remote work creates a healthy work-life balance.
Creating your own travel altar
A travel altar is a perfect way to bring a piece of your own sacred space and meditation corner with you throughout your travels. Here are some of our favorite must-have items.
The Seven Chakras of the Earth: Destinations that Spark Transformation
It is incredible to visit the sacred sites of the world’s seven chakras. While the magnetism of these places is undeniable, it is also possible to experience high vibrational energies while visiting more off-the-beaten-path locations.
Discovering Self-Empowerment Through Travel
Studies show that travel helps us expand our perspective, become more creative and self-aware, and maintain emotional stability.
Yoga Poses & Mantras for self-empowerment
Maintaining a daily practice of yoga is a fine way of cultivating and nurturing such balanced energy within our own lives and ultimately, our bodies.
Here are some of our favorite yoga poses to guide you back into flow towards self-empowerment and bliss.
8 Empowering Benefits of NLP Coaching for women
What kind of changes or benefits can one experience during coaching? Take a moment and explore the possibilities below.
Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough Journey - Session 1
This was going to be the ultimate experience of empowering women to lead from their hearts and I was determined. The course was created, and all of the aligned women flowed in from different walks of life. We set an intention to empower ourselves and uplift each other in the process.